joi, 16 iulie 2015


I took to social media a couple weeks ago asking the goalies in the Twittersphere (@goalietraining if you want to follow) and on Facebook what they wanted me to shoot a video on – how to get deeper splits or a wider butterfly flare.
They spoke loud and clear andthe splits won (I’m not surprised).
So once I got back from helping the goalies at the Sabres development camp, I parked in front of my computer and put this video together for you.

Here’s how many…

  • Foam Roll Groins – 30s each side
  • Assisted Splits – 30s each way
  • Leg Elevated Contraction (push, then lift) – 3 each for 10-15 seconds
  • TRX Assisted Splits – 30s each
  • Eccentric Abduction – 3-5 each side for 6 seconds
Work on those 4-6 days per week for the next 2-weeks and let me know how much you improve by posting in the comment section below.
PS – in case you missed it, I am running a 28-Day pre-season Virtual Training Camp in response to all the emails I have been getting from goalies and skaters who were either a little lazy getting started with their off-season training OR have been working hard in the gym, but not feeling much in the way of results on the ice.  If this interests you, then go HERE and get the details.  It starts Monday, July 20th (deadline to join is Friday, July 17th).  It is all run online, you do not need to come to London, ON to benefit.

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